About the project
The Method
The search for fast radio bursts at low frequency is a rather difficult task, but we were able to implement it with the help of the BSA LPI radio telescope. The main problem is that at low frequency the FRB is pretty weak pulses. The second important factor is the broadening of the pulses as a result of scattering by inhomogeneities of the interstellar medium. The signal is being broadened not only due to scattering, but also due to the dispersion delay in each of the six frequency channels of the BSA LPI. As a result of all these factors on the frequency 111 MHz is recorded with a wide pulse which is very poorly visible in the noise of the antenna. Thus, FRB cannot be detected by direct observations at low frequencies.
The signal is not visible directly but its shape is known. It is possible to select a pulse against a background of noise using a template that has the same shape as the desired pulse. Therefore, the convolution of the data of BSA LPI with a template of a given shape was used when searching for fast radio bursts at a frequency of 111 MHz. The following is a record of the same data section with an FRB 131030 as an example. The first recording is shown without convolution with the template, the second recording with convolution.
This method is described in more detail in the article.
Search now
By the present the following tasks were performed:
Registered 3 FRB in different parts of the sky;
A pulse detected possibly from repetitive FRB 121102;
Analyzed areas of the sky with galaxies M 31 and M 33. As a result, 9 new fast radio bursts have been detected.
Future plans:
Search fast radio bursts in the area of the sky that is accessible to observation at BSA LPI.
Search Fast Radio Bursts in the direction of the galaxy M31 and M 33
(Astronomy Reports, 2019, Vol. 63, No. 11, pp. 877–890, 2019)
Fedorova V. A., Rodin A. E.
Search and Detection of Fast Radio Bursts in the Direction of Galaxies M 31 and M 33
(Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Volume 46, Issue 9, pp. 294 - 296, 2019)
Fedorova V. A, Rodin A. E.
Detection of nine new Fast Radio Bursts in the direction of the galaxy M31 and M33 at the frequency 111 MHz at the radio telescope BSA LPI
(ATel #12899)
V. A. Fedorova, A. E. Rodin
Detection of Fast Radio Bursts on the Large Scanning Antenna of the Lebedev Physical Institute
(Astronomy Reports, Volume 63, Issue 1, pp.39-48)
Fedorova V. A., Rodin A. E.
First detection of FRBs at the frequency 111 MHz at the radio telescope BSA LPI
(ATel #11932)
Rodin A. E., Fedorova V. A.