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Nine new fast radio bursts were detected in the direction of M 31 and M 33 galaxies during the processing of the archive data of the BSA LPI radio telescope from July 2012 to December 2018.

The galaxy M 33 was observed in two beams of the multibeam diagram. The source was daily recorded during 5 min. in both beams. In each beam 2 205 hours of records were analyzed.

Galaxy M 31 was observed in six beams of the BSA ABI multibeam diagram. The galaxy was recorded daily for 30 min. in each of the six beams. analyzed 13 230 hours of recordings in each beam.

Dynamic spectra and profiles of all nine FRB, as well as their parameters are given below.

*The coordinates indicated on the dynamic spectrum record were determined as of the date of registration of the FRB. The value of RA is the beginning of the reduced section of the record. Impulse coordinates are given in the data on the left.

**An estimate of width of pulses is given with an error of 40 ms.

UTC 2019/06/28  09:29:10

FRB 121029

UTC: 2012/10/29


RA (J2000): ​00:12:00

DEC (J2000): +42:03:36

GL: 115.146

GB: -20.215

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 732 pc/cm^3

SNR: 7.3

Flux: 0.34 Jy

Width: 0.32 s

FRB 121029.jpg

FRB 131030

UTC: 2013/10/30


RA (J2000): 00:25:00

DEC (J2000): +39:58:48

GL: 117.449

GB: -22.609

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 203 pc/cm^3

SNR: 10.1

Flux: 0.24 Jy

Width: 0.53 s

FRB 131030.jpeg

FRB 140212

UTC: 2014/02/12


RA (J2000): 01:31:00

DEC (J2000): +30:32:24

GL: 132.930

GB: -31.562

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 910 pc/cm^3

SNR: 9.2

Flux: 0.26 Jy

Width: 0.39 s


FRB 141216

UTC: 2014/12/16


RA (J2000): 00:14:00

DEC (J2000): +41:38:24

GL: 115.467

GB: -20.688

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111MHz

DM: 545 pc/cm^3

SNR: 7.6

Flux: 0.23 Jy

Width: 0.87 s

FRB 141216.jpg

FRB 151125
(FRB 151125.1)

UTC: 2015/11/25


RA (J2000): 01:31:00

DEC (J2000): +30:58:48

GL: 132.838

GB: -31.129

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 273 pc/cm^3

SNR: 8.5

Flux: 0.54 Jy

Width: 1.68 s

FRB 151125.jpeg

FRB 151128
(FRB 151125.2)

UTC: 2015/11/28


RA (J2000): 01:32:00

DEC (J2000): +30:58:48

GL: 133.084

GB: -31.091

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 273 pc/cm^3

SNR: 7.2

Flux: 0.52 Jy

Width: 1.47 s

FRB 151128.jpg

FRB 160206

UTC: 2016/02/06


RA (J2000): 01:01:00

DEC (J2000): +41:37:48

GL: 124.848

GB: -21.206

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 1262 pc/cm^3

SNR: 7.9

Flux: 0.26 Jy

Width: 1.59 s

FRB 160206.jpg

FRB 161202

UTC: 2016/12/02


RA (J2000): 23:44:00

DEC (J2000): +40:48:00

GL: 109.395

GB: -20.292

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 291 pc/cm^3

SNR: 7.1

Flux: 0.29 Jy

Width: 0.81 s

FRB 161202.jpg

FRB 180321

UTC: 2018/03/21


RA (J2000): 00:33:00

DEC (J2000): +42:01:48

GL: 119.273

GB: -20.711

Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz

Centre frequency: 111 MHz

DM: 596 pc/cm^3

SNR: 8.2

Flux: 0.54 Jy

Width: 1.67 s

FRB 180321.jpg
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