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SGR1935+2154 at 111MHz

We have detected a bright pulse signal from the well-known galactic source SGR1935+2154. Activity of the X-ray source in the radio range was first reported in Astronomical Telegrams (ATel#13681, Scholz P.). We also searched for similar signals in data of the BSA radio telescope starting from 2020/01/01. As a result we detected pulse at 2020/09/02 with the following parameters:


  • UTC: 2020/09/02,18:14:59

  • DM: 320 pc/cm^3 +/- 10 pc/cm^3

  • S/N: 6.6

  • Flux density: 140 mJy

  • Width: 2.2 sec

  • Scattering: ~340 ms

  • Fluence: ~300 mJy ms

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